Welcome to our Grocery section. Here you will find our standard Shopping list for one person and how to care for foods, like freezing, what you cannot eat raw and all the good food care that is GOOD FOR YOU!

Download our shopping list HERE(Editable Excel) or HERE (pdf)


Here are some tips on groceries:
Take into account there are always exceptions and people have eaten what they shouldn't with out consequences but that doesn't make it safe. Westerners shouldn't eat raw fish, yes it is true that the Japanese can but anisakis is a very deadly disease.
Fish is better frozen at high sea, think of how long it took the fishing boat from when it caught the fish to dock to market to you.

In many countries there is no longer trichinosis but do you want to risk it by not cooking your pork chop!!

Eggs also shouldn't be eaten raw, or frozen raw. That also means dipping your finger in raw cookie dough or cake mix. If you can't resist (yeah, we are all human) you can use commercial sterilized prepared eggs.

Almost anything can be frozen and not be unhealthy, another thing is that it still tastes as good. Read our list on foods to have in your freezer below

Microwaves are great for quick reheating but better liquids and you need to stop and stir before they get to warm or you'll splash all over the microwave, and noboy wants to do extra cleaning!

You can cook a piece of fish, chicken, pork, even lamb with a little spice and maybe oil fine in the microwave but beef is usually a disaster. The cut should be relatively thin and even and turned around and over in the process.
You can make a decent cream , béchamel, sauce in the microwave and save a lot of dirty pots.

You can do eggs also similar to poached or soft boiled but never more than two and careful if they explode the mess is extreme.


Freezable foods. Put name tags or tape post its to know what is what!

- Onions , peppers, carrots, zuchinni, squash, pumpkin (good for anything! Freeze them diced!)
- Zuchinni, squash and pumpkin you can also cook them and freeze them to have them ready to cook soups, breads, dessert...

Apples raw or cooked.
Peaches and berries frozen are very good for your smoothie snack!


Freeze cooked bread and just put it in the toaster before your meal!
Pizza dough. If you like making your own pizza, just make extra dough and freeze it
Other baked goods: Brownies, cookies, muffins even frosted cakes! Just make sure you wrap them well to prevent freezer burn! Cakes taste better 

Stews and anything with sauce keeps well.
If you prefer spiced keep it frozen and thaw out
Best freezer keeps: Poultry, shrimp, white fish, salmon

Butter is fine to freeze, milk taste more watery after being thawed. If you want to freeze something like beef stew better to freeze in small portions, it will thaw our evenly and not cook more especially if you plan to heat in a microwave.

If you freeze cheese, do so already cut as it will crumble if you try to cut it!
Have an emergency stack of freezer herbs, not as flavorful but still great for a pinch!

If you make double batches when you cook, and you take the frozen one out in the morning, it defrosts by dinner time for sure!





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